Monday, May 31, 2010

Pancake Truffles Recipe

In the spirit of a long weekend, after getting in my six miles this morning, I made this delicious recipe for Pancake Truffles created by Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point. I live for mornings like this, where I can workout in the beautiful sunshine, then come bum around in my kitchen with recipes I've been longing to try.

Because of my disgust for bananas, I used fresh strawberries instead of the recommended fruit, halfing the strawberries before rolling them in the dough. I ate a few, and put the rest in the fridge for easy breakfasts this week during work. As you can see from the picture, they turned out wonderful!
I should have sliced them open for a picture, so you all could see the piping good warm strawberries and how tasty they were fresh from the oven. Caitlin recommends serving with syrup, but really, I don't think it's necessary, the fruit added enough sweetness.

I hope you all had wonderful Memorial Day weekends. I am sufficiently sun kissed (i.e. a little burned) after an afternoon by the lake and an early evening cookout that turned into me having a water gun fight with four kids under age six.

This week, I'm planning to do a good yoga class, get on my rollerblades, and of course get a sufficient rest day in before the half-marathon on Sunday. I'm getting nervous for it already!

Also, the spirit of Memorial Day, here is an amazing and touching video of soldiers surprising their loved ones coming home. The scene with the dog yelping in delight made me laugh and cry all at the same time.

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