Thursday, December 19, 2013

It's The Holiday Season...

Most years, I put a pretty nice Christmas list up on here, but this year, I've been having trouble coming up with things I'd like for Christmas. Most things I'd like aren't very exciting, like Starbucks or Target gift cards, new yoga pants, or more Smart Wool socks (please tell me you've worn them, please, they are heaven on your feet).

The few ideas I've had our:

These would be great for organizing items in my pantry like pasta, nuts, baking items, etc. and I would never buy them for myself.

I know I'm one book behind on her cook books, but I finally picked his up when I was browsing at Barnes and Noble a couple weeks ago, and it has some really great recipes that I would love to try. I really love her picture by picture recipe directions.

Rugby Striped Sweatshirt From Gap

I am always in need of more casual clothes to wear on weekends that aren't either pajamas or work out clothes (my wardrobe basically consists of work clothes, and comfort clothes, very little in between) and am truly obsessed with this sweatshirt and don't whether I should bite the bullet and buy it, or wait until after Christmas. I think I'm going to wait, I just hope it's not sold out by then.

I still have quite a bit of Christmas shopping left to do. I've handled all the kids in our life, my friend Ashley who I exchange with each year, and my parents, but I still need to do Austin's daycare teachers, stocking stuffers for Austin and Ben, and Ben's siblings who's names were given to us. Wish me luck!

I went all out with our Christmas decorations this year and put out all that I had (besides breakable ornaments) since the last two years they have been sparse. When we were in our apartment there wasn't a lot of room for them, and last year I only put up so much because of having a newborn.

This year we have a minimally decorated tree (only unbreakfable ornaments) and a back corner so it doesn't attract little hands to grab at it.

The Department 56 News Station that I bought myself in 2005 when I worked in news. The call letters have lost some of their paint, but I still love it. I'm very glad I bought it before it was retired. I would really like to start collecting more Department 56 villages to have a whole set up.

And new this year is this ornament tree from Target (they only had the red version online) I had to have. It was 25% off last week, so I snatched it up.

It goes alongside the Pottery Barn deer received from Ben's sister a few years ago, and the most pinteresty project I've ever done, a cookie jar full of red ornaments with a strand of lights wooven between them. That's as crafty as I get.

Even though Austin still doesn't "get" Christmas, it will be even more special this year because he loves opening gifts and having new toys to play with. He loves throwing tissue paper in the air and looking in boxes when packages in the arrive in the mail, so it should be a lot of fun.

What is on your Christmas list??

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