Monday, September 24, 2012

End of September Thoughts

I have a million things racing through my brain, so here's a random post for you all that lists them.
  1. Recipes. I'm in total cook and bake mode. Some of the items being frozen for when Baby Cush arrives to enjoy, some being scarfed down immediately. My next recipes on the list: Iowa Girl Eats Starbucks Imitation Pumpkin Scones, Confessions of a Gluten Free Mom Muffins, and my Chicken Enchiladas and Cottage Cheese Pancakes. I'm now noticing that three out of those four are breakfast pastries.
  2. Packing my hospital bag. After our tour yesterday it's top of mind. So far I have: two outfits for baby, including hat and socks, swaddle blanket, miracle blanket, last blanket my grandma knitted (I came home from the hospital in one she knitted), basic toiletries, tooth brush for Ben, change of clothes for Ben, extra blanket for me, bathrobe, two changes of clothes for me (both comfortable and oversized), medications recommended by friends (and just in case other clueless first time moms read this, I'll tell them too, Tylenol and Stool Softener, don't act all grossed out, it's reality). I also have a few things to pick up to add, like I want to find some really great gluten free shampoo to treat myself with after the birth, tennis balls for back massaging during labor, a birthing ball and nursing bras. Oh, and snacks for Ben as well.
  3. Our nursery. It's nearly finished, and I put a sneak peak on twitter (@AlexaTC) if you want to check there. Still a few things to get to make it complete, but I just love it! There were some changes to the original plan I blogged about previously, but overall it's the vision I've had since about ten weeks. 
  4. Finding a gluten free pumpkin beer. Is there one? Google hasn't helped me much, one possibly in Michigan? Post Delivery I want to have a few of my favorite beverages I've been missing, like sweet wines (I have a bottle from Northern Vineyards I bought in June put away to toast with after birth), a Moscow Mule, and a Gluten Free Pumpkin Beer. Of course I'll have like half a glass of any of these and probably be tipsy. 
  5. My great and generous friends and family. We've had one great shower here in DC, have another one coming this weekend and my friends from afar have participated in a virtual shower that's had a package on my door step nearly everyday for the past two weeks. I'll leave you with a few pictures of some of the great items we've received! (BTW, I am not some weirdo who takes pictures of all of their gifts, part of the virtual shower was taking pictures of them and posting them to the evite).

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