Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Foodie Pen Pals

This month I decided to participate in Foodie Pen Pals after hearing about it on Mellissa's blog. It sounded like a fun idea. Send a package full of surprise treats to someone you're randomly matched with, and receive one in return from another random match!

I felt bad signing up at first because I knew my gluten allergy would limit things, but my Foodie Pen Pan Jacqueline did great!

The goods

She sent me a full package full of gluten free goodies, most of which I've never tried before, and have been really enjoying. She also went over the $15 limit and included a bottle of her personal favorite bourbon. She had asked me in our initial e-mails if I liked bourbon (yes!) and said being that she's from Kentucky she had to integrate it in the package.

She also included some treats for Cooper, Chicken Jerky sticks that are made in the USA (we only feed Cooper American made dog treats) from Trader Joes. Cooper is very picky about treats, but he loves them! He doesn't get a whole stick, but we break off a couple pieces for him, and he goes nuts when he smells them.

Enjoy getting mail that's not bills? Want a Foodie Pen Pal? Email theleangreenbean@gmail.com and get on the list for next month.

Also, today is the last day to enter the Chobani give away and have a free case delivered to your door step!

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