Thursday, December 1, 2011

December is here

December has arrived, and the Christmas season is in full force.

This past month has been a blur with work, weekend road trips, thanksgiving, visitors, etc.

Ben and I went to Philadelphia to see my friend Megan run the Philly Marathon. She lives in North Dakota now, and we were Journalism School classmates at the University of Minnesota. She's constantly entertaining, as you can see by her "Gladiator" outfit for the race.

Megan did great, per usual. I mean, she was flexing her muscles at Mile 19, how could she not do well?!

Ben and I also enjoyed some touristy time in Philadelphia, taking a double decker bus tour and Ben eating THREE cheesesteaks in 36 hours.

We also saw our great friends Abby and Josh who Ben worked with in Minneapolis.

SO great to see them! They showed us a good time with great eats and drinks.

We enjoyed our first Thanksgiving in DC, and I wish I would have taken a more pictures of the AWESOME food! Our hosts Kristin and Suni made sure nearly everything was gluten free, including stuffing, so great! The turkey there was out of this world, as was the cranberry sauce. We also got to spend some quality time with Ben's sister, brother-in-law and adorable niece, and had a great weekend relaxing.

Suni, very proud of his turkey--and he should be, it was delicious!

On Thanksgiving Day, Lynne and I hit up our Turkey Trot 5K as well, and had a great time catching up while running. The best part of the race? It was cheap, a nice route, had a nice cotton long sleeve shirt I'll actually wear again, and there were coupons for free coffee and donuts at Dunkin after the race (Ben and I hit that up for sure!)

This weekend, will be spent Christmas shopping, hitting up a few new restaurants and finally seeing The Muppets Movie!

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