Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Missoni Madness

You may or may not have heard about it, the madness of the designer Missoni designing an affordable line for Target. Well, yesterday, it was released and with all the hype Target created around it, they weren't prepared for the traffic that came with it, and the backlash as well.

The line went on sale yesterday. If you don't know Missoni, it's a high end, zig zag pattern themed, fashion, that normally sells at prices those of us in the "Joe the Plumber" middle class can't fathom.

Target created such a huge ballyhoo around this line, discussing the limited number of items available, doing tons of marketing prior to it's release, and topping it all off with lots of buzz at Fashion Week.

So, when doors opened yesterday, people ran into stores, stripped the shelves, and within minutes, the selection was not just picked over, it was gone. And within the hour, hundreds of items were up on e-bay at quadruple the original Target price.

Even Target's newly designed website was crashing all day long, as people tried to grab the limited selection available there, and it made news throughout the nation.

As my German born co-worker said in response to this yesterday, "what is it with you Americans and your obsession with getting more stuff?" I'm not sure...but I totally feed into it, I know that much.

I had been wanting the sweater coat pictured below since I saw it on an ad last week for several reasons.
  1. I live in an area now where fall is much longer, and this is a great fall layering piece
  2. It's versatile enough to wear with lots of things
  3. It covers my butt


I was lucky enough that the Target website was working during my lunch hour, and I scooped one up.

Tracy at Sellabit Mum discussed her own quest yesterday find her perfect blue sweater, unfortunately, she hasn't been as lucky (she never did, so if you see it, grab it up, shoot her an e-mail and I guarantee she'll pay you back!)

So, the line is great, great job Target. The preparedness around it not, so much, and let me tell you, when I was sent this picture from a display promoting it at the Target store in downtown Minneapolis today by a friend, I had to think again, "what was Target thinking?!"

That's just creepy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh people are crazy! I had no idea this was coming out. I went online to look and most of it is sold out like you said. I like what you bought and I liked a few other items including a winter hat but that was it. I really don't get it but then again I don't keep up on name brand things.
