Monday, August 1, 2011

The one where I tell you I'm moving to Virginia...

I've written this post over and over again in my head over the last two weeks or so since I found out. I've thought, "what if my close friends find out from the blog? That's not right." But in all honesty, I can't cover everyone in phone calls, e-mails, etc. so I'll just say it, Ben and I are moving to the Northern Virgina/Washington D.C. area.

The reason I have been so busy lately, with so much travel, and little time to blog, has been because of flying out to interview for the job (it's still with my current company, which I love, yay!) and finding a place for us to live.

I'm a Midwestern girl, who's never left the Midwest in my life, but we're very lucky that we have friends in the D.C. area, and love the area, so we're really looking forward to what lies ahead for us.

Of course I'll miss my friends in Minnesota, and the memories I've made here. I went to college here, so naturally, a lot of my friends are still in the Twin Cities. My parents aren't a long drive away, and most notably, the memories of meeting and marrying Ben are here. But, I have to say we're SO excited to move to Virginia and all that comes along with it, and ready to make new memories out east.

So now, join me on this journey, one where I move across the country with my husband, and blog about what it's really like. Also, if you have any advice, or words of wisdom, whether it's about moving, the DC area, staying healthy during a big move, etc. I'd love to hear it!

Stay tuned, because I'm sure I'll have many updates to come, and thanks in advance for your support!


  1. WHAT! Holy Moly!
    CONGRATS Alexa! I'm soo excited for you!

  2. We will miss you!! And what are you going to do about your twitter name?! =)

    Congrats, you!

  3. WoW!! That's awesome. I guess. Thank goodness for Twitter and Facebook and your blog. But awww......

  4. Mazel tov! When you do you move? And where in NOVA will you be?

  5. Exciting Alexa! My sister lives in DC so I've been there more than most other cities. There is a large MN contingent there. Lots of U of M grads there! Best wishes to you!

    ~ Janelle

  6. Wow- that's so exciting! I can somewhat relate, as I am about to embark on a move too, for my first job post-college. Only 3 hours away from home, but still, nerve-wracking!
    Youll have to keep us updated!
