Tuesday, July 12, 2011

If I write this post, it's real

I've been debating writing this post, because once I tell all of you, it's real...

You may have noticed in my "training for" area to the right on here, I've posted that I'm training for the Twin Cities Marathon in October (or, if you use a reader program, you may not have!) and that is what I'm here to tell you folks: I signed up for another marathon, I'm really doing it!

I feel crazy, confident, and determined all in the same breath about this challenge. Sure, I've done it before, but I was injured running it, it wasn't my best performance, and at the time, I just wanted to finish.

Obviously, I want to finish again, but I'd like to do it with a little more grace this time. =) (Not saying that I won't cry when I finish, I know I'll cry, it's me here, hello).

I feel more confident in my training this summer the second time around, but I'm of course not at the mileage I would like to be at, but is anyone ever?!

"Hello, my name is crazy!!"

I'm lucky that I have so many running buddies who hold me accountable, including the newly minted runner Jen, who's lost 70 pounds over the last ten months and developed a love for running. She's training for the TC 10 Mile Race and possibly the Monster Dash Half-Marathon, and is always up for adding on some good miles with me, even if it's a distance she's never attempted before.

If you've noticed, my updates have been sparse lately. Life has been crazy with working longer hours, some travel that's coming up for work, marathon training, plus selling our condo (therefore, having to always make sure it's clean!), but I have a few great posts in store, including some recipes of my own (that's right, NOT someone recipes linked, my favorite kitchen creations!) that I'd love to share.

What are you training for right now? If not races, what are some summer goals that you have accomplished?


  1. I have the Warrior Dash on July 24. Its not hard core like the marathons but I'm still nervous since I've never done anything like it. I know it'll be fun though.

    Good luck on your training!

  2. Congrats on deciding to do another marathon! That's awesome!

    I recently ran a half marathon 2 weeks ago. It was very hilly but I got a PR, which was great!

    Not training for anything currently, but I am trying to improve my speed, endurance, etc by doing some longer runs and interval training weekly. It's fun to switch it up!

  3. I ran Twin Cities in 2004, and set a marathon PR at the age of 49. It's a very nice course. Best of luck in your training, and in reaching your goal.
