Monday, May 16, 2011

Things I currently love

I've had so many random blog ideas lately, none enough to warrant their own post, so I thought I'd throw them all together with the things I love right now!
  1. These PF Chang imitation Lettuce Wraps from Iowa Girl Eats. They're delicious and also make great leftovers! The recipe requires quite a bit of chopping, so chop ahead on the weekend and store the items in the fridge for a quicker weeknight dinner.
  2. This Porcelain Berry Box Colander from Crate and Barrel. It's $5.95, much cheaper than the Anthropologie version I had just seen for $20. I love Anthro, but oftentimes their prices are ridiculous!
  3. Random Chipotle lunches in the sunshine with Molly from Snyder 5 who recently moved to a job near mine. We both share a love for Chipotle and stepping away from the office on beautiful days!
  4. The Clothing Swap Party my friend Sam hosted last week. It's a great way to find new clothes, clean out your closet, spend time with your friends, and not spend a lot of money!
  5. Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies, because they are three items: Sugar, Eggs and Peanut Butter, and they taste delicious!
  6. Reaching over 100 public followers on the blog, holy awesome, thanks readers!


  1. I'm going to have to try those lettuce wraps. They look delicious!

  2. Really? I don't warrant my own blog post ;) But truly, my friend, as I said today at lunch, I have loved our lunches too. So glad to get to see you more and more!

  3. Wohoo - glad you liked the lettuce wraps! :D Intrigued by these peanut butter cookies...sounds ah-mazing!

  4. I need to get my friends together for a clothing swap party. Sounds like fun!
    Congrats on having 100 followers!

  5. ok, I'm officially jealous of the downtown sunny lunches with the A listers...

    Also, did I know you were training for the Fargo Marthon?
    My old stomping grounds ya know.
    One day, I might run it. Ok, not the marathon, or even the half...but the 5k...I might run that 5k.
