Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fargo 5K & Half-Marathon Go Far Challenge

This past weekend I made my first trek to the state of North Dakota to run the Fargo 5K and Half-Marathon Go Far Challenge with my friend from college, Megan. She came down from Grand Forks, and we stayed with her parents who live near Fargo.

The 5K felt great on Friday night, and I tried to take it easy because of the half-marathon the next day. That was easier said than done though, I still ended up skipping walk breaks when I shouldn't have, and sprinting a bit at the end.

Pre-5K with Megan in her crazy Spandex Suit, that's an old dance costume from when she was 10, and she STILL fit in it!

I went back to Megan's that night, and rolled my leg, stretched, took some ibuprofen, and had a lovely ice cream sundae.

The next day, I felt apprehensive waking up. My IT band had some ache to it, and I could tell the race was going to be a tough one.

I started the race feeling alright. The weather was cloudy, but with a blanket of mositure in the air that felt like it was wrapped around my shoulders the whole race. I kept thinking, how am I going to do this today? But, to me, dropping out of the race isn't an option unless I'm being carted away by an ambulance, I signed up, I committed, I follow through.

The middle of the race felt great, I ditched my iPod and took in the sites and sounds of all the great spectators, and the bands that were set up along the course.

I became really dehydrated in the last mile; I felt dizzy, like I was going to puke, and kept dry heaving. I tried to eat a GU pack, even though I hate them, but that made me feel worse. So then, I ate one of my sport beans, but that felt like a piece of dry wool in my mouth, and took a lot of effort to swallow and keep down.

I finished the race with a grimacing look on my face (trust me, I've seen the pictures, they're too scary to share), but I finished and that's all that matters. After refueling with some chocolate milk, I felt much better, but was very relieved to have the two races behind me!

Post Half-Marathon with Megan and her niece Allie. We received THREE medals for doing the Go Far Challenge!