Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kettlebell Workout

This past summer, I tried a Kettlebells intro class at my gym. I did the intro, and liked it, but then got the sales pitch, that in order to continue with Kettlebells, I had to pay so much per class. Bologna! Not going to happen with how much I already pay for the gym, and there are plenty of great classes that already come with my membership.

However, I spotted this Kettlebell set at Target, and decided to give it a whirl, for when I needed a nice workout at home, and last night was just that night. With it feeling like -14 with the wind chill, I knew my running clinic wouldn't hit the trails, so tonight was the perfect night to finally break out my Kettlebell DVD. I only had 20 minutes to do it, but dang, did I get in a workout.

The DVD starts off with the intro to the exercises, then goes in to routines. Just doing 20 minutes of the DVD my heart was pumping! Working with the Kettlebell does a great job of working multiple parts of your body at a time, and is something different than regular strength training.

I really liked this workout, and thought it wasn't difficult to pick up on. I'd highly recommend picking up this kit for the $30 price tag. I would suggest that you get the product in the store, rather than online, so that you can try out the different weights and see which one will work best for you.

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