Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Boyfriend Weight

Did any of you check out the celebrity weight loss special on ABC last week? It was a good report about the pressure to stay thin in America, and especially for celebrities, and the lengths they'll take to get and stay thin, along with the backlash they feel from critics when they gain weight. If you haven't seen this, here it is available via Hulu on Nightline.

I was struck by former Girl Next Door Kendra, and her work to get the weight off after she had her son, and the way some people insulted her as no longer being a sexy because she's a mom.

But, I was most struck by Ali Fedotowsky who I learned was on The Bachelorette (sorry, just not a fan). She moved in with her pick on the show, and fiancee, Roberto Martinez and spoke of how she gained "the boyfriend weight" over those first few months.

Hearing this term, my ears perked up immediately, because I've TOTALLY been there. You don't want to be the stick in the mud who turns down the late night pizza or ice cream requests from your faster metabolizing boyfriend, and you don't want to get out of bed in the morning to go to the gym, when you can sleep in late with the man that you're crazy for!

So, Ali spoke of how late night pizzas, and decreased activity led her to gain weight, and it was a smack in the face when she realized what had happened. Personally, I don't know how Ali could EVER look out of shape, even in the pictures she showed of herself during her unhealthy stage, but she wasn't feeling great, and had to step it up she realized.

Six months into dating Ben, I felt like I was in a similar boat, I had lost weight post college, but as the holidays ended that year, I noticed I was well on my way to putting it back on. That January, I did a three month Team Fitness program at Lifetime Fitness where I tracked my food and activity; I also started running for the first time then. This really got me kick started on healthiness, and has helped fuel this passion since then.

Have you ever felt, "The Boyfriend Weight" when in a new relationship? Or, the new job stress weight, or the moving to a new city weight? What do you do to combat it and keep on track?

1 comment:

  1. That is ABSOLUTELY why I'm back in #hipshrinker mode.

    My previous 50+lb weight loss gave me courage to finally leave a relationship I'd been planning to leave for years. (One day it just clicked and I implemented said plan)

    I moved out, started dating. That led to a small gain, but also out of entertaining myself I was at the gym a LOT.

    When I met and started dating my manpanion, we mostly did active things (and dated other people). When we became more and eventually totally exclusive, there were late night ice cream briberies and fancy fatty dinners and chocolate and blah blah blah.

    I gained 15 pounds over 7 months.

    Luckily, I'm back in health mode and he's a billion percent supportive.

    It's a strange epidemic that "boyfriend weight."
