Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Is it too easy to qualify for Boston?

Lately, this question has been popping up all over the running community: Are the qualifications for the Boston Marathon too easy?

Specifically, this has been mentioned when it comes to the women's qualifying times.

This year, the Boston Marathon sold out in a record eight hours, something that has never happened in the history of the nations oldest marathon. For those trying to sign up, the site was crashing, and many articles like this one, predicted the never before seen issues.

Here are the qualifying standards, according to the marathon's website:
Age GroupMenWomen
18-343hrs 10min3hrs 40min
35-393hrs 15min3hrs 45min
40-443hrs 20min3hrs 50min
45-493hrs 30min4hrs 00min
50-543hrs 35min4hrs 05min
55-593hrs 45min4hrs 15min
60-644hrs 00min4hrs 30min
65-694hrs 15min4hrs 45min
70-744hrs 30min5hrs 00min
75-794hrs 45min5hrs 15min
80 and over5hrs 00min5hrs 30min

As most of you know, I'm not a fast runner, not at all, and frankly, I hope I'm in good shape when I'm 80+ because then maybe, just maaaaaybe, I'll be able to qualify.

I think, the standards are difficult, rigorous, and are a great goal for many runners. Each year, Boston allows 26,800 runners to race, out of a whole world with runners, that seems like a select few.

As stated in the article linked above, running marathons has also become more popular. I'm not sure where they're finding these stats, sure, I'm into running, so I notice more interest, but that's because three years ago, the only way I was running is if someone was chasing me with a knife.

So, I have to know, what do YOU think? Do you think the women's standards for the Boston Marathon give them an unfair advantage? Do you think that women should really get more time? Many out there are saying that there's no "physical evidence" women need more time, or that men have no physical advantage over them (anyone who has EVER watched a WNBA game may tend to disagree with this).

Also, I wanted to announce the winner of the POM Giveaway...

Sarah at Fat Little Legs!

Sarah's entry #2, saying she was a follower of the blog was picked by Random.org. Sarah, please contact me with your e-mail address, so we can exchange contact information.


  1. YAY! I'm so excited!

    you can email me at:
    srhrss at yahoo dot com


  2. Although I dont have any experience running long distances, a girl from my work qualified without too much effort, she thought it was way too easy!!!

  3. I have little experience of running long distances, currently training for my first half marathon in less than 3 weeks. I've been slacking and I am not proud of myself for it either. One day I wish to run a fun marathon and enjoy every step of the way. Until then I will conquer my first half and train hard these last few weeks, so I won't look like a turd at the finish line.
