Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend Update

I wish my weekend updates could be as hilarious as when Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon hosted them on SNL, but alas, here's my update anyway. =)

This weekend has been GREAT! It started off Friday with heading to the Mall of America for the Nordstrom Anniversary sale and get a few other items. Some people hate MOA, where as I love it. All of my favorite stores are in one place there, and I find it easy to navigate if you know where you're going. The Anniversary sale had some great deals and it was fun to shop by myself and go where I wanted to, and take as long as I wanted to in stores like Sephora and Aveda as well.

Saturday, I was up bright and early with running pals Katy, Rachel and Brooke and we got in nine miles before the heat really hit, as we're all training for fall marathons in Chicago, New York and San Francisco, so we can't let the weather get in the way of our training. Getting up at 5:30 a.m. on a Saturday to run at 6:00 wasn't too fun, but it was sweltering with heat and humidity by 8:30 a.m., so it was well worth it.

That afternoon Ben and I headed to a couple's wedding shower for my former college roommate Emily and her fiancee Teagan in Rockford, Minnesota.
I've never been to a couple's shower before, and it seemed pretty much like a big cookout with gifts. Some of our friends wrapped up a couple bottles of Smirnoff Ice, telling the couple they'd been "Iced," has anyone heard of this?? Apparently it's a viral marketing campaign from Smirnoff, that if someone "ices" you before you "ice" them, you have to chug a Smirnoff. That sounds like a recipe for praying to the porcelain God in my book!

Anyway, at the shower we could paint wine, beer and champagne glasses for the couple, I painted this ocean scene (along with a few others, but they all looked like one of Emily's kindergarten students did it, I'm no artist people!)
Today, we tried out our new Wii for the first time, so exciting!! We bought it with some of the Target gift cards we received for the wedding, and it was well worth the money! I figured out that I am a better Wii bowler than regular bowler and that Ben can kick my butt in Wii Tennis any day as well. Ben had a lot of fun with the new Wii, here he is perfecting his baseball swing.

So, despite the heat, followed by quite the storms (Cooper and I were hunkered down during them!) it was a great weekend. How was yours???


  1. "icing" people is very popular down here... My friends call it "bros icing bros" and its all a big joke. Smirnoff Ice is sold out at all the bars on the weekends... you have to chug the whole thing right when it gets handed to you. too funny! you can see youtube videos of it online :-)

  2. I first heard of this "icing" fad when I was in Israel your wedding weekend. We did it to one of my friend Harry's soldier friends. Since I've been back to Jersey, it has come up in not one, but TWO conversations.

  3. I heard about it for the first time this weekend at Lauren and Pat's engagement party. All of her friends from Indiana know of it. I felt so behind the times!
