Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Recipe for a Good Meal and a Happy Hip

Last night I made a recipe that's become a favorite in our house (OK, a semi-favorite to Ben, who doesn't like to eat much fruit), this Coconut Mango Chicken with Black Beans recipe from the ever annoying Rachael Ray. I got this recipe from her magazine, it used to be a great read, now I think it's gone down hill and I canceled my subscription. My go-to cooking magazines are now Food Network Magazine, Everyday Food by Martha Stewart, and occasionally I'll pick up an issue of Cooking Light if it looks appealing from the newsstand.

This recipe is pretty cheap to make, and gives Ben and I both dinner and usually ends up making a lunch for me too. It's easy to whip up too!
I don't include the mint that's called for, I don't want to buy a bushel to just use a pinch of it, really defeats the purpose of this awesomely cheap, yet delicious meal if you spend like that on one little thing. If you wanted to spice this up like Mango Chicken served at Thai restaurants, you could add some bits of chopped peppers.

Had my first session of physical therapy last night, and it was a little daunting, however, the reassured me that while we're working together for the next six weeks, he would make me stronger though and help me complete my goal. Thank Goodness!

He reiterated what the doctor told me about needing to gain strength in my glutes, and gave me a few exercises to do once a day at three reps of ten.

He also reminded me about listening to my body, taking rest days (I feel like a bum when I do that though! and I feel like I take too many of them already!), and that by doing this he can help me cross the finish line in San Francisco. Yeah! Now that's what I'm talkin' about!

Tonight, I listened to his advice and did a nice light workout with my pal Emily of 35 minutes on the elliptical, and stopped when I started to feel like my hip was becoming just a bit fatigued.

I'm going to attempt my fist run back this Sunday, as that will be seven days off of running, here's hoping my exercises from the therapist will make that run easier.

Also, don't forget to enter the Funky Monkey giveaway before tomorrow night!

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