Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bad Blogger

It's been a few days since my last post, I have to admit, I've been a bad blogger this week. With all the wedding prep, the blog has taken a back seat, sorry readers! This blog may get a little "bridearific" these next couple days too as we prepare for our nuptials. I can't believe they're actually almost here! After 15+ months of engagement, it's hard to believe. It's seems crazy that it's my wedding this time too, I go to weddings, I don't get married! But here, I am, with boatloads of family and friends arriving in town as I type this.

Tuesday was my last day of work, and my co-workers surprised me with a DQ Ice Cream Cake (which lovingly depicted my not-so favorite fruit, bananas) and a princess crown to wear the rest of the day. They literally surprised me, I went into an office to have what I thought was a meeting with my manager and they jumped out of the corner and yelled, "Surprise!" What a fabulous wedding send off!
With the Banana decorated cake!

Anyway, in my true spirit, I did try out a great Martha Stewart Everyday Food recipe this week for Spinach Pesto with Pasta and LOVED it. I made a half serving because it said it served four and it was just Ben and I. The recipe was super easy, and if you don't have a food processor, you can easily make this in your blender.


  1. Congrats Alexa, enjoy your wedding weekend! : )

  2. congrats you looked beautiful and every detail was perfect! I had a great time!
