Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

I am pretty much spent this Sunday evening, so this will be a short, but sweet post, my readers. First of all, spring has sprung, and so have my allergies, oof-da! Are anyone else's allergies being a beast? As much as I love to see the buds on the trees this early, they're giving my respiratory system a run for it's money. This weekend, I was also in Wisconsin, so I think being where there's more nature, and farther south where things are budding even more didn't help either.

This weekend started out on the right note, going to Body Pump class, which turned out to be a blogger party! With Meghan as our instructor, Jen, Mary and I were all at the class and we got our butts kicked!
Kudos to Jen for committing to do this class with me, if it weren't for meeting her there, there was no way I would have dragged myself there at the end of the work week.

After class, Ben and I headed to Wisco for my first bridal shower, put on by my Maid of Honor Ashley and her mom Kathy for all of my family and family friends, it was a GREAT time! I'm so used to attending these showers, or helping organize them, that I wasn't sure how to handle the role of the bride. Everyone was so generous with their gifts, and traveling from near and far for the shower though, I feel very lucky to have such nice people supporting Ben and I as we get prepare for our marriage.
Opening an awesome over the sink Cutting Board & Colander, so excited to use this!

With the Best Maid of Honor ever!

The weekend wrapped up with a wonderful Easter with family and driving back home to the Twin Cities (and realizing that pretty much EVERY restaurant and grocery store is closed on Easter around here, it's nuts!).

I got in a 2.75 mile run tonight, not great, but I got out there, and didn't let my allergies beat me. Here's hoping the rain over the next two days will wipe out some of the allergens in the air. If it's going to be crappy weather, it may as well serve a purpose!

This week, I'm stepping up my Minneapolis Half Marathon training... it's time to get it on, stay tuned for details. =) Have a great Monday!


  1. Where did you take the Body Pump class? It looks like you are at my gym: St. Louis Park LAFitness??

    I have only taken the Body Works Plus Abs class...

    Have you tried that class? Monday night has my favorite instructor!!

    Joanie @

  2. Alexa! What a great post, I love the pic! ;P
    You and your maid of honor are beautiful, what a great picture and it sounds like a great weekend! See you soon!
