Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rompers and Challenge

OK, this is going to be a totally random post, but what's with rompers? I keep seeing them advertised, but I've never seen anyone wear them. They look like a moo moo with shorts to me. Has anyone worn one? (not in the 1970's either) Does anyone own one? What is the appeal here?
Don't babies wear rompers?? Are these going to be like Gaucho pants were five years ago? (Confession, I wore Gaucho pants in college, and now I look back at pictures and wonder why I did such a disservice to my thighs).

The next totally random thing. Tonight Jen from Prior Fat Girl competed in a 99 minute Stair Master Challenge, great job Jen! Now, I've got the next challenge for Jen, The Monster Dash 10 Mile Run on October 30, 2010. Jen said the only way we could get her to do this race was to challenge her publicly, well here I am Miss Jen!! With your stellar 5K times, I know you'll do great. I'm running it Jen, are you in, are you??


  1. A friend of mine recently bought a romper from NY & Co and it's really cute. She of course has a nice booty and legs though. :-) I also have a friend from NYC who wore one of these a few years ago when she visited here and I thought it was cute then too! You just have to have the body for it I think.

  2. Jen get excited!!!
    You have 6 months to train!

  3. I don't know what's up with rompers.... ICK. Kinda like the whole body-suit... I just don't get it.

    In other news, not sure if you did the Get In Gear today?! If you did, can't wait to read about it!! :) See you on Sunday!!

  4. I only like rompers that look like mini dresses, not those that have rolled up legs or have Bermuda short legs. The illusion of a mini dress is my draw to rompers/playsuits. Unlike the rompers of the '90s, today's rompers are much more fabulous and chic.

    I've grown to become fond of today's rompers. I even mentioned in my own blog that rompers and playsuits can be very lovely as long as you have the right footwear to go with them.

    And by the way... I love gaucho pants. Comfy and cute on most girls.
