Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm not a Diabetic...

So why do I keep getting these random voice recorded calls on my cell phone about news on diabetics and if I want to take a survey of diabetics. How did I get on this list? How do I get off this list? Stop calling me!!

Anyway, it's a heat wave in the Twin Cities this week (if you haven't figured it out, that's why this blog is called, "My Tale of Two Cities") With all the nice weather, I'm trying to plan as many outdoor workouts as I can. Went for a run around Lake Calhoun tonight, rollerblading tomorrow, Happy Hour Wednesday-- what?! How did that get in there??? Sitting on a patio counts as exercise, right?? It's exercise for a relaxing mind. =)

If you haven't already read my millions of name droppings of Jen, the Prior Fat Girl, here's another one! Jen and I went to a strength training and abs class yesterday morning at a near by gym (the class started at 8:30 on a Sunday, we deserve medals for getting out of bed for that) and it was taught by another great gal we know Meghan! Anyway, on Jen's blog today she featured a picture of her and I pre-workout (I really need to use more of that Jergens self tanner stuff on my face, holy Minnesota pale) and her and Meghan post workout, it's awesome! This class was really great, but today my calves and sorer than they have ever been in my life! I didn't even realize I worked them that hard! Also, my triceps are feeling a bit sore, which is awesome as I prepare to put on the wedding dress (less than three months now-- holy crap!)

Well, I know the reason you're all reading this, you want to know who won the Pop Chips give away, am I right?!?!

Amy said this,
I would like to try! I have so many food allergies, it is tough for me to find a healthy alternative for a snack.. I am allergic to carrots and celery, just to name a few!!!! Cheddar potato have always been a fave! This is so exciting!"

Amy, leave a comment with your e-mail address, and I'll e-mail you to get your info and get it to the people at Pop Chips, congratulations!!

Also, thanks to everyone who entered, it was fun to hear why you want to try this new favorite snack of mine, and how it would help you stay healthy. I highly recommend stopping at Target, Whole Foods or Amazon and picking up a bag! I'm sure there will be many other great give aways in the future!


  1. Alexa!!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING! I have never won anything in my entire life!!! no joke!!!! I was so excited ot see this, i dragged marc in and made him read your last entry, and then this entry! he is making fun of me AS I TYPE!!! haha my email is hahahaha!!!!! THANKS ALEXA!!!!

  2. oy vey, I am so sore from that workout yesterday! Guess it means we gotta go back!

  3. I know! I somehow convinced Ben to rub my calves tonight, not sure how, but man did I need it!

    Meghan said she teaches the same class this Friday at 5:45 p.m., I may have to hit that up before an Easter weekend of eating at home.
